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Fractured Minds: Diagnosis and Treatment Manual of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)

Serap Buharalı, who revisits the process of becoming a family, presents her book The Guide to Being a Good Parent, which guides parents. From the moment we begin to realize ourselves as individuals to what we can and cannot achieve; from making sense of our relationships with the person we will marry to making the pregnancy process understandable; from strengthening our human relationships to keeping up with the 21st century, the book is a guide.

Serap Buharalı, who revisits the process of becoming a family, presents her book The Guide to Being a Good Parent, which guides parents. From the moment we begin to realize ourselves as individuals to what we can and cannot achieve; from making sense of our relationships with the person we will marry to making the pregnancy process understandable; from strengthening our human relationships to keeping up with the 21st century, the book is a guide.









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