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Science Books: Brain

We use many phrases about our head because our brain, which controls our body, is inside it. Every activity, like waking up, studying, or playing, is thanks to our brain. But how does it do all this? This book is for curious children, exploring the brain’s structure, communication with organs, damage effects, brain health, and the idea of thinking machines.

It is very important for children to learn the right information at an early age, according to their level, in order to understand the universe, the world, and life correctly. Beginning learning with correct and refined knowledge is also the basis of correct thinking. With this in mind, we have created a series by scientifically collecting the topics that attract children’s attention, confuse them, or enable them to understand and interpret life correctly.

We use many phrases about our head because our brain, which controls our body, is inside it. Every activity, like waking up, studying, or playing, is thanks to our brain. But how does it do all this? This book is for curious children, exploring the brain’s structure, communication with organs, damage effects, brain health, and the idea of thinking machines.


Selen Fettahoğlu


Huriye Taştan









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