Kutalmış Series: Dragon Sangal
The Little Pencil
Opinion Machine Fi̇kri̇: The Day of Unexpected Things
Opinion Machine Fi̇kri̇: Rocket Hits the Window
The Story Locksmith: Poisonous Hands
Star Dust
Little Arrow 3
The Guardian in Hagia Sofia
The Little Mad Scientist: Our Contribution to Science
The Guardians of Turkish: Ahmet Yesevi
Nature-Friendly Twins
Lost Names Kingdom: Way and Trace
Aslan’s Diary of Inventions
Lost Names Kingdom: Tear Vampires
The Guardians of Turkish: Kashgarli Mahmut
I Saw a UFO… Or Did I?
Propeller Plane
Little Arrow 2
Etiquette With Owlet
Opinion Machine Fi̇kri̇: Two Plane Tickets to Paris