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Opinion Machine Fi̇kri̇: Two Plane Tickets to Paris

It all started with Fahri’s request to buy a pair of pants. How did Nuri’s birthday celebration turn into an organic celebration? What are the interesting decisions made on Auntie’s Day to help children overcome their addiction to technology? What will these decisions lead to for the children? A famous painter is visiting the school. Let’s see how the children will show their painting skills. Which of the interesting tales written for the “Let Tales Speak, Let Traffic Stop” fairy tale contest will be chosen as the winner? Fikri and Fahri’s adventures continue with the 5th book in the Fikri Bol Fikri series.


It all started with Fahri’s request to buy a pair of pants. How did Nuri’s birthday celebration turn into an organic celebration? What are the interesting decisions made on Auntie’s Day to help children overcome their addiction to technology? What will these decisions lead to for the children? A famous painter is visiting the school. Let’s see how the children will show their painting skills. Which of the interesting tales written for the “Let Tales Speak, Let Traffic Stop” fairy tale contest will be chosen as the winner? Fikri and Fahri’s adventures continue with the 5th book in the Fikri Bol Fikri series.



Büşra Kaygın Gafarov










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